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Employ your time in improving yourself by other men's writings, so that you shall gain easily what others have labored hard for.
One cannot and must not try to erase the past merely because it does not fit the present.
~Golda Meir
Moderate Mitt (click for link) Is it a fair label? Can Mitt convince the Republican Party(click for link) electorate that he is one of them? After some research, I’m not convinced.
As most of our readers will know, Romney challenged Teddy Kennedy in the Massachusetts U.S. Senate race in 1994 after changing his affiliation from being an Independent to being amongst the Republican Candidates in October 1993. This switch is the point in the timeline of his bid to become POTUS which becomes a bit prophetic as we look at the years hence.
Romney has stated time and again that he was "not a partisan Republican" but rather was a moderate with progressive views. Well, that’s a bit uncomfortable for most in the Republicans Party. Indeed, when I read it for the first time I wanted to be sick Seriously? And what is a "moderate with progressive views," anyway? Sounds a bit discombobulated and squishy to me.
In the general election, after spending a ton of money to win the GOP nomination, Mitt ran on a strong family image and moderate stands on social issues. I suppose it could be argued that he had to express moderate positions to beat ol’ Teddy. However, his words as he campaigned betray that argument. He even said at one point, "Look, I was an independent during the time of Reagan-Bush. I’m not trying to take us back to Reagan-Bush. Ultimately, this is a campaign about change." Oh, really? I’d sure like to return to those years, wouldn’t you? But, then I’m not a moderate with progressive views. He either believed what he said then OR he really didn’t believe it and was content to just say whatever it took to beat Kennedy. In either event, it should bother those of us trying to make up our minds in the 2012 republican presidential election process. If he believed what he said, there’s not a conservative around that should vote for him. If he was just saying what was necessary to win, he can’t be trusted to be straight with us.
Moreover, he repeatedly has spent much of his own fortune to outspend opponents. While I have no problem with any candidate spending his own money, in our Republic much can be said for the candidate who is able to raise money from the "folks" to run his campaign. It demonstrates support from the grassroots, as opposed to buying support in a presidential election process. I separate the two. Romney contributed over $6 million to his own campaign during the election against Kennedy, a state record at the time. He’ll do much the same thing in the 2012 republican presidential election contest.
Even while Governor of Massachusetts he demonstrated his moderate, progressive tendencies much of the time. Romney(click for link) supported raising various fees by more than $300 million, including those for driver’s licenses, marriage licenses, and gun licenses. He increased a special gasoline retailer fee by two cents per gallon. Anytime fees and taxes are raised they impose a hardship on those who can least afford them. Something progressives have no problem with.
Republican candidatesfor POTUS have to do everything in their power to demonstrate leadership skills, strength of conviction, ability to raise money, support from grassroots voters, strength of message and its applicability in the world today, resourcefulness, capacity to respond instantaneously when challenged, and an distinctly American spirit. Mitt has failed on all those fronts in both the 2008 election and the 2012 presidential election. In this presidential election, there is one candidate who has demonstrated all of those traits and that’s Newt Gingrich(click for link). When the mainstream media had Newt’s candidacy DOA, Newt proved his resourcefulness and raised money, stayed on message, demonstrated leadership skills, spoke well of all the candidates, remained convicted that the country could do better, and responded instantaneously when challenged.
Mitt Romney is a Massachusetts Moderate with progressive views. Newt is a Reagan Conservative with a track record to prove it.
I wish you success in your quest to live your life on your terms.
Your Comments Are Welcomed in the Comment Box Provided at the End of the Post
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Employ your time in improving yourself by other men's writings, so that you shall gain easily what others have labored hard for.
One cannot and must not try to erase the past merely because it does not fit the present.
~Golda Meir
Article by :Ralph Hudson
Edited and Published by: Mike Emory
Mitt Romney and his Bid to Become President
Moderate Mitt (click for link) Is it a fair label? Can Mitt convince the Republican Party(click for link) electorate that he is one of them? After some research, I’m not convinced.
As most of our readers will know, Romney challenged Teddy Kennedy in the Massachusetts U.S. Senate race in 1994 after changing his affiliation from being an Independent to being amongst the Republican Candidates in October 1993. This switch is the point in the timeline of his bid to become POTUS which becomes a bit prophetic as we look at the years hence.
Romney has stated time and again that he was "not a partisan Republican" but rather was a moderate with progressive views. Well, that’s a bit uncomfortable for most in the Republicans Party. Indeed, when I read it for the first time I wanted to be sick Seriously? And what is a "moderate with progressive views," anyway? Sounds a bit discombobulated and squishy to me.
In the general election, after spending a ton of money to win the GOP nomination, Mitt ran on a strong family image and moderate stands on social issues. I suppose it could be argued that he had to express moderate positions to beat ol’ Teddy. However, his words as he campaigned betray that argument. He even said at one point, "Look, I was an independent during the time of Reagan-Bush. I’m not trying to take us back to Reagan-Bush. Ultimately, this is a campaign about change." Oh, really? I’d sure like to return to those years, wouldn’t you? But, then I’m not a moderate with progressive views. He either believed what he said then OR he really didn’t believe it and was content to just say whatever it took to beat Kennedy. In either event, it should bother those of us trying to make up our minds in the 2012 republican presidential election process. If he believed what he said, there’s not a conservative around that should vote for him. If he was just saying what was necessary to win, he can’t be trusted to be straight with us.
Moreover, he repeatedly has spent much of his own fortune to outspend opponents. While I have no problem with any candidate spending his own money, in our Republic much can be said for the candidate who is able to raise money from the "folks" to run his campaign. It demonstrates support from the grassroots, as opposed to buying support in a presidential election process. I separate the two. Romney contributed over $6 million to his own campaign during the election against Kennedy, a state record at the time. He’ll do much the same thing in the 2012 republican presidential election contest.
Even while Governor of Massachusetts he demonstrated his moderate, progressive tendencies much of the time. Romney(click for link) supported raising various fees by more than $300 million, including those for driver’s licenses, marriage licenses, and gun licenses. He increased a special gasoline retailer fee by two cents per gallon. Anytime fees and taxes are raised they impose a hardship on those who can least afford them. Something progressives have no problem with.
Republican candidatesfor POTUS have to do everything in their power to demonstrate leadership skills, strength of conviction, ability to raise money, support from grassroots voters, strength of message and its applicability in the world today, resourcefulness, capacity to respond instantaneously when challenged, and an distinctly American spirit. Mitt has failed on all those fronts in both the 2008 election and the 2012 presidential election. In this presidential election, there is one candidate who has demonstrated all of those traits and that’s Newt Gingrich(click for link). When the mainstream media had Newt’s candidacy DOA, Newt proved his resourcefulness and raised money, stayed on message, demonstrated leadership skills, spoke well of all the candidates, remained convicted that the country could do better, and responded instantaneously when challenged.
Mitt Romney is a Massachusetts Moderate with progressive views. Newt is a Reagan Conservative with a track record to prove it.
I wish you success in your quest to live your life on your terms.
Your Comments Are Welcomed in the Comment Box Provided at the End of the Post
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