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A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him. ~David Brinkley
Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does. ~ William James
Article Written by: Ralph Hudson
Libertarians are for Paul - Conservatives are for Gingrich
Ron Paul's Libertarian Philosophy
1. a person who advocates liberty, especially with regard to thought or conduct.
2. a person who maintains the doctrine of free will ( distinguished from necessitarian).
1. a person who is conservative in principles, actions, habits, etc.
2. a supporter of conservative political policies.
(Definitions from
Here's the distinguishing characteristic of a libertarian philosophy: Freedom first, without exception. It applies everywhere and in every situation. In foreign policy, "what's good for us is good for "them". For example, Dr. Paul, who also ran in the 2008 election, believes if we have a nuclear weapon for defensive purposes then it's okay for Iran to have one or anyone else, for that matter. Really? No conservative in his right mind believes that a rogue and immoral nation like Iran should have a nuclear weapon.
Interestingly, the presidential election of 2012 has Rep. Ron Paul essentially claiming he's a conservative, yet espousing purely libertarian views. Anyone who knows anything about political philosophy knows the difference between a conservative and a libertarian. Ron Paul is very clearly a libertarian with perhaps some conservative tendencies, albeit minor tendencies. Some of his views are quite radical and some would argue, a bit wacky. Let's have a look at a few of the issues most talked about when it comes to Ron Paul.
The "Racist" Newsletters:
21% ?!? - Iowa Should Be Ashamed |
Barney Frank and Legalizing Marijuana: It is perhaps a lesser known fact that some years ago Rep. Barney Frank and Ron Paul sponsored a bill which would legalize marijuana. This is a very important issue and paramount to libertarians. I would also submit to you that most conservatives could not disagree more. Legalizing marijuana is a slippery slope upon which we do not want to find ourselves as a nation. In fact, I doubt there is a single republican candidate(< click to watch previous debates) running in the 2012 presidential election that would ever support such legislation. Much less support legislation with Barney Frank, of all people. I wonder how many times Dr. Paul has done that.
It's Israel's own Fault:
Listen To Newt Speak About Israel |
Ron Paul's comments about Israel are extensively documented. Shoot, even his legislative record is replete with evidence of anti-Israel sentiment under the guise of "freedom". Here's just one example: "Ron Paul was one of only three Republicans to vote against a House of Representatives resolution condemning the Goldstone Report–a slanderous United Nations slur against Israel that even the report’s author, Richard Goldstone, later retracted. (Thirty-three Democrats also voted against; a bipartisan majority of 344 passed the pro-Israel resolution.)"
Hell, this guy just today (1/2/12) Tweeted that Abraham Lincoln was responsible for the deaths of over half a million Americans and that John Wilkes-Booth had a legitimate argument. Goodness....seriously?
Anyway, my conclusion is that Ron Paul is a great libertarian, but not a conservative, Republican Candidate
Libertarians are freedom fighters of the purest form and in the interest of full disclosure I must admit that I once voted for Harry Browne, a libertarian candidate for president after reading his book, "The Great Libertarian Offer." However, a pure libertarian will not see eye to eye with conservatives on some very important issues, particularly that of foreign policy because freedom always comes first. Even if it is at the peril of someone else. Over time, I have become more convinced than ever that conservatives have it right most of the time and libertarians have it right some of the time.
Conservatives are freedom fighters, too. However, they argue that when that freedom begins to intrude on the rights of others or that freedom is wielded by an immoral society (Iran and North Korea come to mind) that there should be laws or action taken that stop that intrusion. Using the Iran nuclear weapon analogy earlier discussed, conservatives would make the case that Iran does not have the freedom to do whatever it wants when it is not acting honorably or within the boundaries that civilized countries operate in.
It would be my suggestion that among the republican candidates in this presidential election ,
Newt Gingrich best represents the conservative views that the conservative wing of the Republican Party espouse. He has a better than 90% lifetime rating from the American Conservative Union. He has demonstrated time and again that he has remarkable leadership skills. His command of foreign policy is second to none among the republican candidates, certainly as far to the right as you could possibly get from Dr. Paul. Over and over again, Newt's capacity to grasp issues and find solutions proves itself. Newt has balanced the budget in a divided house, worked with a democrat in the White House to get conservative bills passed and ultimately signed into law. Ask Bill Clinton about Newt's abilities. He was on the receiving end of much of what Newt accomplished and you have to give ol' Bill some credit - he admits he was on the receiving end of it and more importantly, he is the one who reaped the positive public opinion benefit, not Newt.
Ralph Hudson
District Director for Former
U.S. Representative Asa Hutchinson (R)
Arkansas' 3rd District
I wish you success in your quest to live your life on your terms.
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