Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Ensuring America's Survival and Protecting Those who Share our Values

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As our enemies have found we can reason like men, so now let us show them we can fight like men also.
~Thomas Jefferson

Believe you can and you're halfway there.
~Theodore Roosevelt

Article Written by: Ralph Hudson


Are You Serious?

Ensuring America's Survival and Protecting Those who Share our Values
In any modern day presidential election foreign policy must necessarily be a very serious component of the debate. In a world filled with serious conflict, both regional and sectarian, the "abiding alternative to tyranny" (a Ronald Reagan reference to America) must recognize its responsibility to survive and to protect others who share our values. While most of the republican candidates in the 2012 presidential election understand this in principle, the practical application of what that means is another matter.

Sun Tzu, the author of The Art of War written sometime between 476–221 BC, said "If ignorant both of your enemy and yourself, you are certain to be in peril." Put another way, to avoid peril, know yourself and know your enemy.

Let's start with knowing ourselves. Reagan's reference to the United States as the "abiding
YEP...He did it. How Pathetic And Foolish Is That?!?
alternative to tyranny" is a good foundation to build upon, assuming we believe it. The common mainstream media reference and the favorite of Rep. Ron Paul, a republican party candidate in the 2008 election and the 2012 presidential election who is actually a libertarian clothed as a republican, would both describe us as the "world's policeman." However, that is a negative and a intentionally poisoned reference. We are not and clearly cannot be the world's policeman. What we can be is a protector of those who share our values. Very different from being a policeman, a protector looks after those who otherwise would be unable to protect or defend themselves.

The other problem with the world's policeman analogy is that it is used to imply that the knee-jerk American response is to use force. While the threat of the use of force and the ability to deliver it is an important piece of a sound foreign policy, a practical protector knows that is the last resort. Sun Tzu put it thus, "For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill." If we want
We Need An American President With American Values
subduction of those who would otherwise threaten America and those who share our values "without fighting," the leader of the free world had better have a good idea about how that is done. That person had better be real diplomat who sees the world for what it is: seriously conflicted. The 2012 presidential election and specifically the republican candidates are no exception in that regard. In fact, the case can be made that this is one of the most important elections in recorded history when it comes to foreign policy issues.

Now, how about knowing our enemy, knowing those who would be a treat to those we wish to protect? Newt Gingrich, a republican candidates for president in the republican presidential election, has argued effectively that we should be candid about our opponents. As a long-time member of the hawkish republican party born out of the Reagan administration's "peace through strength" policy of the 1980's, he understands better than any republican candidates in this presidential primary that such candidness is an indespensible part of defining America. Particularly to our enemy and specifically to our allies.

To be candid is to be free from reservation, disguise, or subterfuge. Frankly, it means to be straightforward. One of the particular difficulties with someone who is uncandid is that one must attempt to read their minds, so to speak. Beating around the bush results in never really knowing their thinking and as a result making it very difficult to understand what motivates them. On the other hand, when one is candid that is never the case. To be candid about our enemies and what motivates us with regard to them and they with regard to us is probably the most important missing ingredient today in the world of foreign policy which has been in recent years driven by political correctness. That is a dangerous element to allow into the debate when there is so much as stake in the world today. There will be no place for political correctness in the coming years and Newt Gingrich is the one republican candidates who fundamentally understands that.

For more information on Newt's solutions, visit

Ralph T. Hudson

Former District Director for

U.S. Congressman Asa Hutchinson (R)

3rd District of Arkansas

I wish you success in your quest to live your life on your terms.

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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Illegal immigration in the United States

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All the perplexities, confusion and distress in America arise, not from defects in their Constitution or Confederation, not from want of honor or virtue, so much as from the downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit and circulation.
~John Adams

Article Written by: Ralph Hudson


Illegal immigration in the United States is a complex and difficult problem that is once again an issue in the 2012 presidential election. This issue has shown a contrast between the republican candidates in the way the issue needs to be resolved. The rule of law is of tantamount importance in America. As a result, most Americans feel strongly that those in this country illegally should be "sent home." Some estimates have that number at 10 or 11 million people. Let's put that number in perspective: If you stood every mother, father, and child who were in this country illegally in one place you would have a group one and a half times the size of the City of New York! That's a lot of people here illegally. In fact, it's a huge number. Nearly an unmanageable number when you think about the "sending them home" piece. However, most Americans would argue that a way needs to be found to do it nonetheless. Before a solution is implemented, that number cannot be allowed to increase; the leak has to be stopped. Something we have heard since the 2008 election.

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Which leads us to the border with Mexico. At 1,969 miles, it is a vast and difficult terrain. It spans four U.S. states, six Mexican states, and has over twenty commercial railroad crossings. While the area can mostly be fenced effectively, there are parts that might not lend themselves well to fencing, particularly the railroad crossings. Those areas could be patrolled by unmanned drones with Homeland Security and ICE personnel at the ready to respond to breeches, as Newt Gingrich, one of the top-tier republican candidates has suggested. Again, something we have heard over and over again since the 2008 election, yet, little has been accomplished to get it done.

The security fence is not an inexpensive proposition, estimated to cost roughly $4 million a mile. If we were to build 1,900 miles of fence, the cost would be right around $8 billion. While that is a lot of money, it pales in comparison to the loss of life on the border due to the difficulty of the terrain, the heat and lack of life supporting resources along the border (estimates are as high as 2,000 a year), the potential for terrorists to cross, the jobs taken from citizens of the United States by the illegal border crossers, the gang and criminal influence which follows illegal immigration, etc. There is a seldom heard fact, that there are approximately 280,000 illegal crossings of our border by people who are not Mexicans. As a result, most Americans would agree that it is a small price to pay for the elimination of those problems. In fact, with few exceptions every one of the republican candidates for president since the 2008 election has claimed support for the fence. Yet, it remains incomplete. We need a President of the United States who will lead in the political process to get it done.

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Once the border is sealed and the leak stopped, the existing illegal population can be dealt with. As was discussed above, the number of illegal immigrants is very large indeed. Some of the best ideas for dealing with this part of the problem come from none other than republican party candidate, Newt Gingrich. As a candidate for President of the United States he has approached these and other issues head on and with great intellect. These problems require serious attention and bold leadership. It is this author's uncompensated and unsolicited opinion that Newt Gingrich has the answers to America's illegal immigration problem. You can check out Newt's illegal immigration solutions at

Article Written by: Ralph T. Hudson

Former District Director for

U.S. Congressman Asa Hutchinson (R)

Arkansas 3rd District

I wish you success in your quest to live your life on your terms.

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Friday, September 2, 2011

The Failure of the Class Warfare Tactic

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All the perplexities, confusion and distress in America arise, not from defects in their Constitution or Confederation, not from want of honor or virtue, so much as from the downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit and circulation.

John Adams

Click For A Patriotic 9-11 Song

Always Remember How You Felt That Day

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Congressman West Reaction to Congressional Black Caucus Statements

(WASHINGTON) ---- Congressman Allen West (FL-22) sent this letter today to Congressional Black Caucus Chairman Emanuel Cleaver, regarding recent comments about the Tea Party made by members of the CBC.

Excerpts from the letter:

"It is unconscionable when a fellow CBC Member, Congressman Andre Carson, comes to South Florida and claims that some in the Tea Party would love to see black Americans 'hanging on a tree.' It is appalling to hear another CBC colleague, Congresswoman Maxine Waters, say 'The Tea Party can go straight to hell.'

"As Chairman of the CBC, I believe it is incumbent on you to both condemn these types of hate-filled comments, and to disassociate the Congressional Black Caucus from these types of remarks. Otherwise, I will have to seriously reconsider my membership within the organization."

"Congressman Carson's desire to generally criticize a large grassroots group as racist is baseless and desperate. When individuals believe they are defeated in a political disagreement, they normally resort to race-baiting, which in my opinion is in itself racist."

"As a member of the CBC, I look forward to working with you to help end this practice. All of us, especially Congressman Carson, Congresswoman Waters and others who have engaged in racially-motivated rhetoric, should follow the example of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., not the example of Reverend Jeremiah Wright."


Heritage not Hate: Celebrating Southern History and Culture

by Anthony Mathison on Wednesday, December 1, 2010 at 5:40am

December 20th will mark the 150th anniversary of the secession of the State of South Carolina from the United States of America. Many across the South will mark this date with a celebration of Southern history and culture; myself included. But why? This is what I hope to address with this note.

First of all, I am proud to be a Southern American. It was truly by the grace of God that I am a Southerner as I was born in Maryland, the daughter of Virginia and the northernmost state of the South. I live in and love South Carolina however, and my father's side of the family (from Alabama and South Carolina) raised me staunchly in the traditions of Southern culture. My beloved grandfather flies a Confederate flag at his home and I was taught to respect the "Rebel flag" from a young age. I myself have flown the saltire of Dixie and have done so proudly. Some of my greatest heroes and role models are Gen. Stonewall Jackson, P.G.T. Beauregard, and Gen. Robert E. Lee. I am not ashamed of this aspect of my heritage, no more than I am ashamed of being Hispanic or Roman Catholic.

Many people however look curiously on me for this. For many, Southern history and even culture seems tainted by slavery, racism, and ignorance.

I am not unaware of this perception, but I firmly disagree with it. First I will address the insufficiency and error of various myths about Southern history, heritage, and culture.

1. The Slavery Issue

Any objective historian knows, however difficult it might be for them to accept, that slavery played a major role in the South's formation and later secession from the Union. This reality also demonstrably led to the racism and white supremacy that appeared throughout the South during and after Reconstruction. It cannot be stated enough how much of an evil the racial slavery practiced by the South really was. No-one can nor should defend the "peculiar institution" of Southern slavery. Period. That being said, the Civil War was about more than just slavery. Though the continuation of slavery was the central issue of contention behind the South's secession, that was in some sense a face to a larger issue of self-determination and the rights of the states. While I do not accept the notion that it was state's rights alone which made Southerners fight and die during the Civil War, I equally reject the idea that it was slavery alone that did this. No, it was a combination of the two and for Southerners during the Civil War these concepts were inextricably intertwined. The vast majority of Confederate soldiers who died during the Civil War did not own slaves, nor were they fighting merely to maintain slavery. This must be kept in mind. To be Southern, and indeed even to be a Confederate sympathizer, does NOT mean that one accepts slavery. The truth is far too nuanced to be reduced to such an absurd reality.

2. Racial Issues

Another common criticism of the South is racism, prejudice, and bigotry. It is true that these sad realities have existed in the South, and at times were quite virulent. We should remember however that racism and indeed white supremacy is not a strictly Southern phenomenon. Racism was quite rampant in the North and the West throughout American history. That being said, being Southern is not about being white and Protestant. This is a common misconception about Southern culture and history due in part, perhaps, to the fact that most Southerners are white and Protestant. The reality is that the South has always been a place of great diversity. This is a demonstrable historical fact; so much so that I simply don't have the time to do justice to it by citing examples. I will offer one however: during the Civil War, entire Confederate battalions consisted solely of Roman Catholics (mostly from Texas and Louisiana). Irish brigades were fairly common in the Confederate army and chaplains of almost every sort of Christianity worked and moved through the army.

It is also important to remember that the constitution of the Southern culture is, like the larger American culture, an amalgamation of various distinct and diverse origins. Southern culture is the progeny of Scottish, English, Irish, African, Hispanic, Mexican, French, Creole, Native American, Italian, and many other cultures and traditions. No one group can claim to be the Southern culture. Thus, the common image of the Southerner as a white, land-owning Protestant is an inaccurate myth. Many "minorities" have played and continue to play important roles in Southern society, especially Blacks and Hispanics. Any groups who claim to be promoters of "Southern heritage" and disparage the importance and reality of ethnic and religious diversity in the South are charlatans who do not know their own history.

3. The Myth of Southern Ignorance

A common concept of Southerners is that they are ignorant country folk. Granted, this perception is based in reality but it is an exaggeration. Intellectual debate and discourse was prevalent in the South throughout its history. Part of the reason why it is difficult to trace and document this is due to the fact that much of antebellum Southern literature and documentation was lost during the devastation of the Civil War (caused in turn by a truly barbaric campaign waged by Union Gen. Sherman). Nevertheless, numerous historians have noted the presence of Southern intellectual life. Music, visual art, literature, poetry, and numerous other expressions of high culture and intellectualism are both now and then important parts of what it means to be a Southern American. I will leave the reader to do the research for him or herself on this point, as I feel that the evidence is open and clear for all who wish to look.

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Though I have looked at some common misconceptions about the South, I have not touched on all of them. I believe that the positivie reasons for Southern pride are far more important, and I will now express many of those reasons by which I find myself quite proud to be a Southern American.

1. Self-Determination

One of the major reasons why the Civil War looms large in the Southern consciousness is because it evokes images of the desire for freedom and self-determination that beats in the Southern bosom. Southern cultures places great emphasis on the notion that every individual and community should have the right to choose for themselves their own path. This is related to the Southern tradition of self-sufficiency. For the Southerner, the government nor any other earthly institution has the right to command an individual or community to act against their conscience. On this point, the South has shed and is willing to again shed her blood to maintain that freedom of choice.

2. Sense of Religion

Another aspect of the South that is often noted by Southerner and non-Southerner is the South's strong religious expression. Though the majority of Southern Americans are Christian, there is a great deal of diversity amongst denominations and churches. Despite this, Southern culture and history has always placed great emphasis on the need to honor and love God.

3. Patriotism

The South holds patriotic feeling in high esteem. Even the secession from the Union that led to the Civil War was motivated in part by the desire to restore the America of the Founders (from the secessionist's point of view of course). To be Southern is to be an American and to hold in esteem the nationalist ethos of the larger United States.

4. Sense of Family & Community

Southern culture places high emphasis on the importance and role of the family, and through that, to the larger community. There is a strong sense of responsibility and the need to work for the greater good of others while at the same time maintaining one's own autonomy. This is expressed in the Southern value of hard-work, honesty, and courtesy.

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5. Southern Chivalry

Non-Southerners have often noted the prevalence of "Southern hospitality." The South has always leaned towards chivalric behavior. In our modern day this is often seen as repressed (especially in regard to women) and at times even barbaric (e.g. honor duels). However, these notions of proper decorum, speech, and action have played immense roles in the formation of Southern culture and society.

In conclusion, it is my contention that the Southern heritage is something of which one should be proud. Being a Southerner does not mean supporting slavery, promoting racism, defending religious or ethnic bigotry, engaging in treason, and/or standing against the larger American ideal. On the contrary, the Southern culture is an intrinsic part of America and deserves to be recognized as such. Groups and individuals who use Southern heritage as an excuse for racism, hatred, or any other evil taint the true history and culture of the South. They should be shunned as imbeciles of society and moreover they are affronts to the South itself.

And so, I will continue my grandfather's tradition of flying the Confederate flag...even if this is simply keeping a small hand-flag in my room or office. When I hoist that banner however, I will do so remembering the true (historical and cultural) meaning behind those colors. I do not raise that flag in order to proclaim a perverse support of racism. I do not raise that banner in support of the abomination of racial slavery. I do not raise that flag in order to offend others, though I am aware that such a thing may occur. I do not raise that flag against the flag of my country, the United States of America.

No, I raise that flag to celebrate all the good that the South was, is, and will become. I raise that flag against those who misuse it to support hatred. I raise the Confederate flag alongside the Stars and Stripes, and always underneath the latter. I raise that flag not to offend, but rather to celebrate what and who I am.

To end this little missive, I wish to provide some quotes from one of my great heroes. Robert E. Lee, though he fought against the Union, did not believe in slavery nor was he enthusiastic about secession. He is my own model of what it means to speak of Southern pride as being "heritage not hate."
"With all my devotion to the Union and the feeling of loyalty and duty of an American citizen, I have not been able to make up my mind to raise my hand against my relatives, my children, my home. I have therefore resigned my commission in the Army, and save in defense of my native State, with the sincere hope that my poor services may never be needed, I hope I may never be called on to draw my sword..."
"So far from engaging in a war to perpetuate slavery, I am rejoiced that Slavery is abolished. I believe it will be greatly for the interest of the South. So fully am I satisfied of this that I would have cheerfully lost all that I have lost by the war, and have suffered all that I have suffered to have this object attained."

~ General Robert E. Lee

I wish you success in your quest to live your life on your terms.

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Sunday, August 7, 2011

Perry: Turn to God for answers to nation's woes

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All the perplexities, confusion and distress in America arise, not from defects in their Constitution or Confederation, not from want of honor or virtue, so much as from the downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit and circulation.

John Adams

Perry: Turn to God for answers to nation's woes

HOUSTON (AP) — Texas Gov. Rick Perry asked Christians to turn to God for answers to the nation's troubles as he held court Saturday over a national prayer rally attended by thousands of evangelical conservatives, an important constituency should the Republican seek the GOP presidential nomination.

"Father, our heart breaks for America," Perry told about 30,000 people gathered at Reliant Stadium. "We see discord at home. We see fear in the marketplace. We see anger in the halls of government and, as a nation, we have forgotten who made us, who protects us, who blesses us."

The Republican was hosting what he has called a national day of prayer before an audience filled with people who sang with arms outstretched in prayer — and wept — as Christian groups played music on stage.

Perry has said the event is not political but rather aimed at rallying the nation to a Christian unity during difficult times. Still, the event gave him an important platform as he weighs whether to run for president. His words reached thousands of religious conservatives in Texas and nationwide; the event was being shown live in 1,000 churches around the country.

Evangelical conservatives are an important voting group in GOP presidential primaries, especially in the early voting states of Iowa and South Carolina.

Critics of the event have argued that it inappropriately mixes religion and politics, and protesters picketed outside the arena.

Perry dismissed the criticism, saying that public leaders needed to keep their faith close at hand.

"We pray for our nation's leaders, Lord, for parents, for pastors, for the generals, for governors, that you would inspire them in these difficult times," he said near the end of a 12-minute speech that drifted between prayer and Bible readings. "Father, we pray for our president, that you would impart your wisdom upon him, that you would protect his family."

Perry also prayed for the U.S. troops killed in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan.

After he spoke, Perry stood for several minutes huddling on the stage in prayer with a group of pastors.

The event was Perry's idea but was financed by the American Family Association, a Tupelo, Miss.-based group that opposes abortion and gay rights and believes that the First Amendment freedom of religion applies only to Christians.

Attendance had been in doubt when only about 8,000 had registered. But that number was quickly eclipsed shortly after the doors opened, and buses continued throughout the morning to deliver people to the daylong event at the arena that holds 71,500.

Although Perry invited all the nation's governors, members of Congress and the Obama administration, it was not clear who would attend.

Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback, a Republican, spoke at the arena shortly after Perry. Florida Gov. Rick Scott, also a Republican, addressed the event by recorded video.

Perry, who has said he is considering a presidential run in part out of a religious calling, is expected to announce his plans sometime after Saturday's event. He plans to travel to South Carolina next Saturday, when several of the declared Republican candidates for president will be in Ames, Iowa, for that state's presidential straw poll, a closely watched test of campaign strength in the leadoff caucus state.

Some Republican strategists have said Perry would be better off to identify himself as a fiscal conservative, touting Texas' recent job gains, as he approaches a decision that could shake up the race. Nodding to evangelical voters before entering the race could send the signal he's not the pro-business conservative some activists have said is lacking in the 2012 GOP field.

"He doesn't need to bow to the Christian right because he already has his bona fides there," said Iowa Republican Doug Gross, who was a top backer of former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney's 2008 campaign but has been cool to support him again.

Iowa state Rep. Josh Byrnes, a Republican, called the event "strange" and said Perry ought to make his national debut as an economic conservative. "Up here in Iowa, people have been saying this isn't quite what we're looking for now," Byrnes said.

Nor is it clear the event will help Perry with Christian voters in Iowa, an influential bloc of the state's Republican caucuses.

Pastor Cary Gordon of Sioux City's Cornerstone World Outreach church said his church will likely webcast the event, although Gordon, an influential GOP activist in Iowa, does not plan to support Perry.

Gordon said he objects to Perry's comments, in light of New York's legalization of gay marriage in June, that the state had the right to enact such measures.

"All of our rights come from God," Gordon said. "Rick Perry becomes the poster child for the problem because he is suggesting men grant men rights."
0,000 people gathered at Reliant Stadium. "We see discord at home. We see fear in the marketplace. We see anger in the halls of government and, as a nation, we have forgotten who made us, who protects us, who blesses us."

The Republican was hosting what he has called a national day of prayer before an audience filled with people who sang with arms outstretched in prayer — and wept — as Christian groups played music on stage.

Perry has said the event is not political but rather aimed at rallying the nation to a Christian unity during difficult times. Still, the event gave him an important platform as he weighs whether to run for president. His words reached thousands of religious conservatives in Texas and nationwide; the event was being shown live in 1,000 churches around the country.

Evangelical conservatives are an important voting group in GOP presidential primaries, especially in the early voting states of Iowa and South Carolina.

Critics of the event have argued that it inappropriately mixes religion and politics, and protesters picketed outside the arena.

Perry dismissed the criticism, saying that public leaders needed to keep their faith close at hand.

"We pray for our nation's leaders, Lord, for parents, for pastors, for the generals, for governors, that you would inspire them in these difficult times," he said near the end of a 12-minute speech that drifted between prayer and Bible readings. "Father, we pray for our president, that you would impart your wisdom upon him, that you would protect his family."

Perry also prayed for the U.S. troops killed in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan.

After he spoke, Perry stood for several minutes huddling on the stage in prayer with a group of pastors.

The event was Perry's idea but was financed by the American Family Association, a Tupelo, Miss.-based group that opposes abortion and gay rights and believes that the First Amendment freedom of religion applies only to Christians.

Attendance had been in doubt when only about 8,000 had registered. But that number was quickly eclipsed shortly after the doors opened, and buses continued throughout the morning to deliver people to the daylong event at the arena that holds 71,500.

Although Perry invited all the nation's governors, members of Congress and the Obama administration, it was not clear who would attend.

Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback, a Republican, spoke at the arena shortly after Perry. Florida Gov. Rick Scott, also a Republican, addressed the event by recorded video.

Perry, who has said he is considering a presidential run in part out of a religious calling, is expected to announce his plans sometime after Saturday's event. He plans to travel to South Carolina next Saturday, when several of the declared Republican candidates for president will be in Ames, Iowa, for that state's presidential straw poll, a closely watched test of campaign strength in the leadoff caucus state.

Some Republican strategists have said Perry would be better off to identify himself as a fiscal conservative, touting Texas' recent job gains, as he approaches a decision that could shake up the race. Nodding to evangelical voters before entering the race could send the signal he's not the pro-business conservative some activists have said is lacking in the 2012 GOP field.

"He doesn't need to bow to the Christian right because he already has his bona fides there," said Iowa Republican Doug Gross, who was a top backer of former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney's 2008 campaign but has been cool to support him again.

Iowa state Rep. Josh Byrnes, a Republican, called the event "strange" and said Perry ought to make his national debut as an economic conservative. "Up here in Iowa, people have been saying this isn't quite what we're looking for now," Byrnes said.

Nor is it clear the event will help Perry with Christian voters in Iowa, an influential bloc of the state's Republican caucuses.

Pastor Cary Gordon of Sioux City's Cornerstone World Outreach church said his church will likely webcast the event, although Gordon, an influential GOP activist in Iowa, does not plan to support Perry.

Gordon said he objects to Perry's comments, in light of New York's legalization of gay marriage in June, that the state had the right to enact such measures.

"All of our rights come from God," Gordon said. "Rick Perry becomes the poster child for the problem because he is suggesting men grant men rights."

I wish you success in your quest to live your life on your terms.

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